SANTA ANA, Calif. — The Santa Ana City Council will hold a special meeting Monday, Oct. 28 at city hall to discuss pathways to hold Councilmember Johnathan Ryan Hernandez accountable regarding alleged violations of the city charter.
The meeting comes after City Attorney Sonia Carvalho announced the apparent conclusions of the investigations into Mayor Valerie Amezcua and Hernandez to which Councilmember David Penaloza asked for guidance on moving forward. The report has yet to be released to the public.
To see what Amezcua and Hernandez are accused of, click here.
Possible outcomes could result in Hernandez being censured by the Council, which, by definition, means formal statement of disapproval that expresses condemnation of an individual's actions. Consequences of a censure could lead to Hernandez's removal on committees, but it will not restrict his elected governing authority.
Hernandez is seeking reelection in midst of the investigation while Mario Alvarado is campaigning against him. Given the proximity of the election, it is unlikely the Council will motion to remove Hernandez and may allow him to complete his term expiring Dec. 2024.
To read the agenda, click here.