SANTA ANA, Calif. — The City Council voted 4-1 (with two absences by Councilmembers Bacerra and Penaloza) to adopt a redlined resolution by Councilmember Phan calling a bilateral ceasefire, releasing of all hostages, and to establish diplomacy on both sides.

As Councilmember Vazquez began his final comments, a part of crowd cheered while disappointed members of the public expressed dismay.

“This is not how we do business in Santa Ana…If anyone touches anyone, I’m sorry, they should be arrested,” yelled Mayor Amezcua. “You guys got what you wanted, so go out peacefully…You say you’re peaceful, but you’re not.”

Mayor Amezcua fiercely took charge of the last portion of the meeting, refusing to allow Mayor Pro Tem Phan and Councilmember Lopez to interject to clam the crowd.

Mayor Pro Tem Phan said outright that her decision on the resolution was not due to harassment since the original resolution was presented in December. She also said it was not a time to celebrate and added tonight was “not our best moment.”

Mayor Amezcua ended the meeting by thanking Santa Ana Police for arresting a suspect involved in the shooting that left a 3 year-old girl shot and critically injured.

Councilmembers Bacerra and Penaloza left earlier in the meeting.